
word from westside of bmore short for hustler
yeah whats up i am a parkheights hus
by mertqq June 22, 2006
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To be attracted/love with closely related relatives, some say a mild form of incest
omg!! ergh that disgusting, she a hussss!!!!!
by suckdeepsuckminder April 18, 2004
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to be a nepalese, or to climb the himalayas.
man you look hus rob!!!
by Ro-diddy August 28, 2005
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Hu is the abbreviation of hooking up. It was at first used online but now it is said.
I want to hu with that girl.
I hued at the party.
by Mona 123 October 12, 2010
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To everyone's surprise, Jeff and Janey had been huing for months.
by John Millah February 22, 2018
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A Love song to GOD, sung as HUUUUUUUUUUUUU
I was stressing so i started to do a HU in my head to calm myself.
by ruindefault May 24, 2009
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David: hey do u wanna hu at the party?

Jessica: sure
by Niggarose May 11, 2018
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