"sorry for my bad english but i am german/french/chinese/greek/scottish(seriously, wtf?)..."

is the line one puts after a grammatically correct and understandable English sentence just to point out that he/she is not "English/American..."
Some dude: Hi, my name is *insert non-English name here* Sorry for my bad English but I am from *insert non-English-speaking country here*

Some other dude: I have been... *perfect speech*... and I genuinely apologise (emphasis on the "s") for my terrible English. However, I am...
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Sorry for my bad english /
Sorry for my english

Is the line that educated people all over the world that aren't aware of their own possible mistakes put before their messages, for other people to not criticize them or judge their message hardly because of bad grammar, grammatical conjugation, spelling, strange paragraph formatting, etc.
Hi. Sorry for my bad english. Are there still apples on the basket, or have you eat them all?
by santropedro December 15, 2015
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When one person makes a mistake, but admits fault while placing the blame and/or responsibility on someone else, mostly to avoid responsibility while often putting the scapegoat in an awkward situation.
Derek: Damn, man. Not only did Alan forgot to tell me that a specifications changed and all the work that I did this week is now useless, he asked me to do mandatory overtime this weekend since apparently it’s his turn to have his daughter, and he threatened to fire me if I told management what really happened.

John: So a "my bad, your fault" situation. What a jackass!
by edw007 June 27, 2022
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East Anglian-
look at me my pasty-faced homo, i am on top of my game.
by Frank October 16, 2004
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When you are so pissed off that you say "Fuck Dick." and just to be safe that you don't offend the people around you, you say my bad rich as an apology to anyone with the name "dick."
Ryan: Hey drew whats wrong?
Drew: Some jacked my booze!
Ryan: Fuck Dick. My bad rich.
by Drew P to E January 24, 2008
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1. Coming through loud and clear, roger that.

Often used by ignorant lumberjacks suffering various degrees of hearing loss from using chainsaws on old growth timber.

2. There's no need to shout, old bean.

Often used by Oxford Dons or wearers of jacket sweaters with leather elbow patches (ironically) to gently inform the speaker their volume of speech is uncouthly excessive.
I'd like to glennbeck Glenn Beck.
I herd dat wit my bad ear!

I herd dat wit my bad ear - and that bitch is old.
by geroldf October 23, 2009
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When someone accidentally spoils vital plot information pertaining to Breaking Bad, while enthusiastically discussing the show with someone that they THINK has caught up to the same plot points as them.
Crap! I had just learned that my new Facebook friend is totally into Breaking Bad, so I figured it was perfectly safe to discuss that amazingly badass Season 4 finale. Turns out they were only halfway through Season 2 on Netflix!

It was totally my Breaking Bad bad.
by Pets or Meat October 16, 2011
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