163 definitions by Frank

a person that picks thier nose and eats pickles
Hi i'm thuy, that pretty much explains everything =)
by Frank January 4, 2005
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the head fan of uk rock band SPiT LiKE THiS

her job is to promote the band as much as she can, ALWAYS be at gigs and to generally enetertain the band if they get bored.
we've got to sit around for three hours waiting for these crap bands to finish before we get to go on. Where's slutter?? I'm bored!
by Frank September 3, 2004
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A low-growing Eurasian shrub growing in dense masses and having small evergreen leaves and clusters of small, bell-shaped pinkish-purple flowers. (A grayish purple to purplish red)
Cross Word -Indigenous Morland Plant (7 Letters) - Heather
by Frank June 19, 2006
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kickass movie, metaphor, and something punks should look in to.

SLC Salt Lake City Punk

starring Matthew Lillard
To be an anarchist in Salt Lake City was certainly no easy task, especially in 1985. And having no money, no job, no plans for the future, the true anarchist position was in itself a strenuous job.
by Frank July 31, 2004
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One who's quite short, has a short, highlighted blonde mullet/emo hair, and believes himself to look like Spider-man, when really he's Maculay Culkin.
1. "That brer's so Checkers."
2. "Safe Checkers, want some food?"
3. "Oh Checkers.|
by Frank September 8, 2004
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very good or appreciated
yo this chicken is bangin
by Frank March 10, 2003
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