The act of becoming lagged: Because broadband is much like crack, we need access to it 24/7. When our gloriously fast connection slows by mere milliseconds we become irate and frustrated. In some instances, a feeling of malcontent creeps into the soul of the afflicted. Time and reality is distorted beyond recognition. This is what is common referred to as "lagging" in the gamer world. Lagging has been associated with the mysterious and random creation of acronyms such as STFU and WTF. Beware of those suffering from this affliction. Warping, twitching, and team genocide are common side effects of lagging.
Lagging will cause you to make irrational decisions, and incoherent statements such as: "I’ve been lagging ever since my mom called someone from china."
by cTaylor July 23, 2004
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Taking your time to do something, usually getting ready to go out
Jeff: Just one more song bro, then I just gotta put a top on, find my keys and I'm good to go
Andrew: Quit lagging it out you wasteman
Jeff: Aight chill man, you know I'm the lagmeister what do you expect bro
by TheLagmeister3k February 8, 2017
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What people using 56K or below cause while playing a multiplayer game.
Player 1 Ping 999
Player 2: upgrade ur 14.4k lagger!!1
by SC.Zee September 25, 2003
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Sprint 3G lags! Its nice they sell 4G phones but are limited to 4G service.
by munjerthegreatst September 23, 2010
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An excuse that noob admins use to boot people who are better than them.
Player: "woot! I have 20 kills and only one death!"
Admin: I'm sorry sir, but im going to have to boot you because you're lagging
by Mycoplasma August 6, 2006
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the art of being absolutely wasted its a truly beautiful state
i got well lagging last night!
by tel January 27, 2005
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when either your ping or the ping of others slows down game play in an online gaming server.
- fuck man get out of here your lagging teh server

- you are a lag whore n00b

- lets voteban this lagwhore
by MrMoto May 28, 2006
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