Katelyn is an amazing girl with a kick ass boyfriend and awesome friends who love her ! she's good at spanish too !
by imxthexcoolxone February 7, 2009
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1. A girl who practically lives at Starbucks. It is her goal in life to be a Gold Card Member. She forever waits for her Gold Card to come in the mail.
2. Constantly shouts out "STARBUCKS ANYONE?"
That's Katelyn, she goes to Starbucks ALL the time!
by Katieyourbestfriend May 28, 2011
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An amazing friend.
Fun to be around
Loves animals
Emotional at times
Different.....in a good way

Everyone notices her and she is always kind to everybody
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is that my amazing friend katelyn...... that loves animals!!!!!

Woah who is that girl who looks amazing and fun to be around??

Oh thats my friend katelyn
by pattela35 December 6, 2010
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A girl like no other. Most have brown hair, hazel eyes, and are tan. Usually like older people, and are often hit on. They are known to be really funny, and sometimes very perverted especially toward their boyfriend. Usually have amazing bodies, and are very confident. Sometimes they can be rude and hurtful, but they liked to be chase, so dont give up on them. Most have large vocabularys but dont know how to use them. A very special young lady who enjoys having fun and living life. Her friends usually are guys, she usually gets dirty looks from other girls, and loves being a tomboy. Video games, food, and friends are top notch in this girl's life.
Tommy: Dude Id love to date her, you can totally tell she is a Katelyn.
Cody: How can you tell?
Tommy: Just look at her; her attitude, her body, and her personality.
Cody:Ohhh, I can see it now. WOW what a girl.
by SecretKatelynLover24 June 9, 2010
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Katelyn is a girl. She is not like any other girl you will encounter in your lifetime. She's different, but, in a good way. She is beautiful. She is knows to be extremely shy. She is prone to being attracted to older guys, and older guys tend to be attracted to her. Which, can not always be a bad thing. Her soul mate has the name Brandon.
"Who is that?"
"That's Katelyn!"
"She's beautiful."
"I know!"
"Her and Brandon should be together."
by FlyingPheonix September 2, 2013
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A Katelyn is a girl who has been misjudged. She is amazing but people don't see it because people judge her on her appearances. She is really easy to talk to and she will give help you with your situations. She is beautiful in her own way, but she doesn't admit it. She gets mad easily and that may piss you off. When you fight with her (if you ever fight with her), you can't stay mad at her for a long time because she is like one of the only people you can talk to about the fight and vent about it with. She's not afraid to stick up for herself and her beliefs. She falls for guys alot. A Katie has situations in her life that has made her stronger and who she is today. She doesn't like to choose side before she hears both stories. She doesn't show when she is upset about something, and very few are able to see that she's upset. If you have a Katie as a friend, you are lucky because she isn't afraid to tell the truth about things and is very trustworthy. If you get close to her, don't let her go. She gets distracted easily and will forget about things pretty easily. When she has a grudge, she doesn't let it go. Don't piss her off, but she is very willing to forgive you. She doesn't judge you for who you are and she will stick by your side whole horrible situations.
Me: Katie, do you think I can work this?

Katelyn: Ehh, I don't know. It might make you look frumpy.

Me: You look frumpy! lawlz. Just kidding but thanks.
by C.E.E. September 4, 2011
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