Fellatio following the ingestion of a capsaicin containing substance
Damn bitch, what did you eat? You just gave me a flaming Kabob!
by Kaboob January 26, 2022
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A sexual feat performed when an exceptionally well-endowed man skewers multiple women at the same time.
I made a cock kabob with your girlfriend and her sisters.
by OmarTentMaker March 19, 2008
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Only the best food in the world, you will fall in love and get married to it
girl- Omg i must marry this shish kabob
by valeuchick June 13, 2008
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A gay or fruity person that has many layers of gayness.
Shane your a fucking fruit kabob!
by Tamefaility December 7, 2016
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multiple chunks of fecal matters soaked in teriyaki sauce. Usually from indian men, held together by a small wooden stick, that has been used as a buttplug.
barbeque at my house tonight!

what are you cookin?

by Jorem March 2, 2008
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When you nut on your own dick and let it dry then put it inside of your grilfriend
Hey baby wanna get this crusty kabob later tonight?
by dabbindaddy September 10, 2018
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when you drop anchor and their are different shapes, smells, texture, and steam coming from five or more sections of your log.
Holy crap after eating mexican food for dinner, chinese for lunch, and eggs benedict yesterday I had the stinkiest terd kabob this morning. My terd kabob had international appeal!
by tbone32 September 17, 2006
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