An item procured by 15-18 year olds from their college aged friends to express their absolute douchebaggery and latent homosexuality on social media.
Yo man, lemme hit that Juul! I need Monica and her friends to know what a complete douchebag I am!
by Sonofposeidon4 February 6, 2019
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A device used in the vape room at school for a quick buzz during class.
Person 1: Bro, can i ripski your Juul?
Person 2: Yeah, let's go to the vape room. What's with all the toilets in here tho?
by Fords4Ever February 19, 2019
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by Kenton Makings October 29, 2018
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Another word for a breathalyzer, which is a device used to monitor one's blood alcohol content (BAC). Dubbed 'the Lahey juul' because in the television series "Trailer Park Boys," Jim Lahey (park supervisor) frequently uses a breathalyzer in a similar fashion to a nicotine addict.
Yo I got pulled over by this cop who was super chill. He even let me hit his Lahey juul.
by Suckmytoes_77 April 19, 2021
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Someone who has a juul in their hand all the time. And ask people for a juul
Danm Diego why do you always ask for my juul

Are you a juul head
by King Peña September 30, 2018
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That nic stick all your kids are hittin these days causes them all to become addicted therefore they start fiending when they run out of pods so they take the blue pass from their math class and camp out in the bathroom waiting for a humble fellow to come in and supply some rips all while avoiding the security guards that enter randomly.
Joey: “yo Vin lemme hit that juul!”
Vin: “bro this my last pod chill”
Joey: “I’ll literally pay you $5 right now for a rip”
Vin: “holy shit ur such a juul fiend”
by OG Druggie November 16, 2017
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when you stack two juuls on top of each other. more than two is juul orgy. six+ is god tier.
"bro can I hit your juul?"
"dude you already have one..."
"yeah I want to have juul sex"
by lovejuul696969 October 2, 2018
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