Adjective: totally nonfunctional, beyond repair.

Used to refer to a machine that is not just broken but which cannot be repaired.
My puter was broke so I took it to James to get it fixed -- now it is totally fucked up.
by Ann Pearl Owen April 5, 2008
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A criticly lauded, slightly progressive hardcore punk band from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Known for their intelligent lyrics, relentless releasing of new matierial mainly through singles, and punishing live shows (referred to as orgies of destruction), they have built up a dedicated fanbase. Their 2008 full-length album, the Chemistry of Common Life, was awarded the Mercury Prize. In no uncertain terms, they are arguably the best punk band on the planet.
Q: You listen to Fucked Up? Let me guess, you heard about them from Pitchfork?
A: Yeah, but don't let that fool you, FUCKED UP IS INCREDIBLE!"
by Benj518 August 22, 2010
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1. Screw something up, completely fail at something
2. Shortened way to say "shut the fuck up"
3. (Australia) Something you say to initiate a fight with some cunt. Basically "stand/get the fuck up".
1. I really fucked up that.
2. Fuck up, Dazza.
3. Fuck up, cunt.
by Sick Cunt December 15, 2007
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A common word used in New Zealand meaning "shut the fuck up". It sounds cooler and is more expressive.
Tom - "fuck up mate"

Tom - "Hey bro, isn't this the best example ever?"

Steve - "Fuck up Tom!"

by ey man September 3, 2008
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when someone fucks up bad and they have to start alll over in life.
ok I went to school I saw someone talk trash and call me a fuck up.
by Wisdomgirl December 22, 2013
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being drunk or high or getting your ass kicked real bad
I got fucked up at the bar last night!!

you got fucked up during that fight!
by sassybabibuttercup September 29, 2007
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