Very beautiful and nice country with a rich culture. I went to France and the stereotypes are untrue. The French are friendly and clean. Most are very chic and chill. A lot of ignorant Americans forget that the French gave us the of America: the Statue of Liberty (D'oh!). It's also a country that gave us troops in the revolution. Most French haters are also Bush supporters who haven't even been to France (most likely because they can't afford it)... why bash what you don't know?
Person 1: I hate France. It's full of smelly ugly pussys. F'ing traitors!

Person 2: You've never even been to France. How would you know? Why don't you step outside your trailer for some fresh air? Also, put down the Toby Keith CD!
by Marissa66 August 6, 2005
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A country whose soldiers marched row by row into German machine gun fire in the beginning of World War 1. 500, 000 French soldiers died this way in The Great War. This is the same country that is ridiculed today for having a 'cowardly' military history.
by Russell Prazak January 15, 2005
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The country that was right about Iraq
France? Cowards. Ohh, err, hmmm. Yeah, got that wrong. They were right.
by ashteroid May 7, 2007
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Oh I forgot the point of William the Conqueror, his descendend the Avegin John (the John from Robin Hood, if you don't know who I mean) was the king the barons of England forced to sign the Magna Carta. Hence, beginning the idea of social contract, which is the basis for our own Consitution!
An historian who knows that this country has fallen, but can be restored.
by The Omnipotent Seal March 29, 2003
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France is a country that fought side by side with Americans on American soil during the American war of independence. Also, the counrty that built and gave as a gift the greatest symbol of America, the Statue of Liberty.
by Grislock May 9, 2003
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-1st touristic destination in the world
-2nd EEZ in the world (Exclusive Economic Zone)
-1st country in the world for Foreign Direct Investments received
-2nd most productive country in the OECD behind Belgium
-most energy independant western country
-2nd largest population growth in the European Union behind Ireland, will become the most populated european country in 2050 (Russia excepted)
-1st destination for asylum-seekers (America is now second because of post 9-11 restrictions)
-2nd in the world for exporting movies
-3rd in the world for exporting conventional arms
-4th nuclear power of the world behind the US, Russia and China
-French locutors in the world grow faster than English locutors
-Universal and General Electric are held by french companies
-Davy Crockett was french, FDR had french descent
-Frenchmen eat, drink and smoke more than Americans and are in better shape and health
-1st country in the world for the frequency of sexual relations
-the French don't need to be clean and polite because they are already hot and smart
France rocks. No country in the world has succesfully arrived to such an equilibrium of modernity and tradition, activity and leisure, distinctiveness and immorality, neither does any country have such a variety of climates, landscapes and architecture, a richness of culture in such a small place
From badass Pigalle to quiet pastoral Corsica, fRaNcE rUlEs oVeR dA wOrLd
by Melon et Meleche September 14, 2005
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A western european country. Also called "The Hexagone" by geometry-deficient journalists. 1000 km x 1000 km in its wider dimensions, but still a kick-ass country. Judge by yourself:

-35 hrs working hours a week, 5 weeks paid holidays a year, and still the 4th economy on the planet.

-main audience (hence funding source) for W. Hallen and D. Lynch movies, among others, thus supporting non-mainstream US movie industry

-full of people who still beleive that democracy mean that the government should be an emanation of People's will (unlike what happens in nowadays in most "democratic" countries,including the US.). But still managed to elect one of the craziest dictator-wanabees ever as president (N. Sarkozy). Crazy French people ;).

-Full of people who drink alcool and/or smoke like crazy, eat fat and tasty dishes, but still have a lower incidence of stroke, obesity, or even cancer, than in most of "civilized" countries.

-A country where oral sex is indeed considered as sex, but where sex is still not considered as a bad thing (this point may explain the upper one ;) )

-A country full of people who have an annoying accent when they speak english. A country full of people who have the sexiest accent ever when they speak english. (depending on the relative genders of the speaker and audience).

-The main reason why the US are now an autonomous country. And they did that only to annoy England. ;)

-The country which likes the most annoying the US (and other "superpower" countries, not to cite Russia), just for fun (and Principles, whatever this means to non-French people)

-The native country of Rousseau, Voltaire et al., who initiated the "siècle des lumières" and came up with the aforementioned Principles, now very useful when it comes to annoying other countries. Subsequently, a refuge for numerous free-thinkers (who said "just to annoy other countries"?). Famous examples are Leon Sedov (son of Leon Trotsky), just to annoy the USSR who was seeking to kill him, or Salman Rushdie, just to annoy the Ayatollas. The former was assassinated in Paris by a KGB agent whereas the second is still alive, which would tend to prove that the efficiency of French security services improved, or that the KGB was more efficient than islamist activists ;).

-The country the notion of "Human Rights" comes from (origin in the aforementioned "siècle des lumières"), but which is now one of the countries in Europe where they are the less observed in prisoners' treatment (just after Turkey). That's what "living on your reputation" means, folks! Still giving lessons around about human rights, just to annoy other countries (exactly the same as the US do about democracy).

-The country where the first touristic destination in the world is located (aka Paris). Note that people from Paris are considered as weird and unpleasant by most of the other people in France. You're not the only one ;). But some people say that they're that way just to annoy people from other countries!

-and so on... you can imagine the other sarcastic-but-friendly comments by yourself if you've been there! (And if you haven't, go and see before writing bullshit!)
-man, I tell ya, French people are jerks!
-Shut your shithole, you've only been to Paris, you don't know France!
by PiLS November 2, 2007
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