To take a shit. From Farage's propensity to hang around the coast pointing at asylum seekers and his character.
I will be ready in a minute, just got to drop Farage off at the coast.
by Firescientist August 31, 2022
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The gross brown/green water that can collect at the bottom of a toilet brush holder over time due to a lack of basic cleaning.
Oh man, I had a 3 " deep Farage pool in the base of my toilet brush holder, I had to dump it down the toilet and disinfect the entire bathroom!
by Greased ferret March 4, 2023
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Verb. The phenomenon of aging faster than is normal, due to being a hateful cunt.
That mouthpiece on Twitter has really started to farage in recent years.
by Boris Bridge May 30, 2023
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The dirty water spilled from an overflowing toilet
The bowl filled and overflowed spilling farage, thick with excrement, across the floor
by RubberDave September 2, 2020
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The sounds a vagina makes when expelling air
Your cunt is doing a serious Farage right now....
by Brit_EU_remainer June 8, 2019
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A very large lorry or truck park associated with border crossings, particularly instances arising from mismanagement.

Etymology: Portmanteau of "garage" (English, noun, from French "garage") and "Farage" (from "Nigel Farage", failed British politician).
Tommy's business went bankrupt because his lorries where stuck in the Kent Farage for two weeks.
by trollson trollson December 17, 2020
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Makeshift Nigel Farage man
by KoolKid6996 March 22, 2022
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