a person who uses devotion in arena ranked. This person is also known to pull 0 bitches and has the tiniest willy there is.
Qiccz is a devo crutch.

Mike: have you heard that Qiccz is a devo crutch?
Jake: yeah he been a devo crutch since season 11
by Pvwt April 6, 2022
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Touching kids in an un-kind manner, often agressively.
Did you just John Devoe that kid?

Ew! No!
by Nicedude44 October 16, 2020
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1. Someone who had a Hospital dedicated to him in Grand Rapids, MI.

2. A excuse to say dick without your mom smacking you in the face.
Definition 1 example:

Hay, you have money! We'll dedicate this building to you!!
(That's the westside for you)

Definition 2 example:

Friend 2: Big Boss (from MGS series games) sucks ass!

Friend 1: Fuck you bitch! Big Boss pawns Solid Snake, with his fake clone ass! It just dont get better then the real deal bitch!

Friend 2: Please, thats why they cloned Big Boss, he wasn't cool enough!

Friend 1 mom: (Walks in)

Friend 1: Uhh, quit being a Dick Devos! (whispers to friend 2....biiitttchhhh!)

Friend 1 mom: What did you say, Dick Devos? Oh, I had some good times with him in the back of that 69' charger (drools, then walk's out and goes in the bathroom)

Friend 1: Now, let's get this straight, Solid Snake sucks ass OK, they call him solid snake because that's what he sucks!

Friend 2: I saw you pull that Dick Devos!
by majorhawke June 25, 2011
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(Noun) When a man's uncircumcised penis is really tiny and the foreskin appears to coil up like a Devo Hat.
Baby, your flaccid penis looks likes a Devo Hat. Whip it good!
by Fatsie Mc Doo Doo Face June 7, 2011
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Another gay ass Disney teen pop band that tried (and failed) to make Devo songs "clean and family friendly." Why Mark approved of it, I don't know. Anyways, they broke up a year after they released their first album "Dev2.0"

All they did was screw up their songs. Horribly.
8 year old girl: "Look at my new Devo 2.0 album!!!!!!!! :D"

The 8 year old girl later exploded from the abomination that came out of a cows penis called DEV2.0
by IAmNotSashaFierce September 1, 2011
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When one shits on the top of anothers head and the shit is in the shape of a coiled up snake. Inspired by the 80's pop-rock band "Devo".
"So when I was in Germany this really kinky bitch gave me a wicked Devo Hat."
by Morris Town Crunch Jr. May 11, 2007
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