Wherein one party puts his penis in the other party's anus, drawing fecal matter onto it, then inserts it into that party's oral cavity.
"That bitch got the deep fried pickle last night, almost ralphed on my rod."
by PickleFried February 21, 2010
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Hair that is completely fried due to obsessive straightening or obsessive dying emo black.

It is also greasy because it's washed like once a week.
Wow that emo girls deep fried hair is soo unattractive.

I'm thinking about getting deep fried hair but I don't want people to think I'm emo..I'm just scene.
by dfdsauflkadf December 22, 2008
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When your girl takes a dump, you dip your balls in it, and jerk off, letting your cum leak down between your nuts creating the oreo effect. She then gets to enjoy a tastey after fuck snack when she munches the "oreo."
That girl is such a slut, she munched the deep fried oreo right off my sack.
by The Cum Factory February 16, 2011
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See Trojan Horse. They look like chicken nuggets, but don't be fooled. If you look REALLY close, you can tell that they are wolves in sheep's clothing. For some reason, no matter where I look online, I don't see anyone having a problem with them, which boggles my mind. The issue isn't even the fact that they're pickles, it's the fact that they look so god damn similar to chicken nuggets. Like, fuck, either make them easier to identify or explicitly make sure that the one about to eat them knows what they are. I swear it's some sick joke.

This kinda stuff is why I have trust issues.
Before eating the "chicken nuggets":
Oooh! Some chicken nuggets!
After eating what turned out to be deep fried pickles:
Why is the world so cruel...
by thechadman412 July 13, 2022
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An Asian girl who exclusively dates black men.
Damn, first Jamal, then Nathan, now Martin. That Kimiko is one deep-fried won-ton.
by Piancer October 2, 2007
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An overly tanned, superficial, heroine-addict-thin girl who uses the word "like" in place of actual thought. Much like the handle bar mustaches and aviator glasses of the 70s, the deep fried barbie doll look is just another "clone" fashion.

The term comes from the orangy skin tone caused by spray-on-tans, which gives them the appearance of a plastic doll that's been dropped into the frialator.
Woah, she's a hot chick!
Yeah, if you want just another deep fried barbie doll.
by Joseph Thompson November 8, 2006
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