The coolest, sexiest female sports star in a "non-female" sport. I want to fall asleep in her Sparco suit after a 200-lap race :-)
Actually a female sports star who does not nave an adam's apple and a hidden penis duct-taped to her ass - refreshing to say the least - go Danica!!
by BahamaBoy June 9, 2005
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A Dancing Danica is a very uneducated woman who only dances around men in circles. She doesn’t like her boyfriend. Dancing Danica’s are attention whores.
That girl is such a Dancing Danica. She loves attention
by Jack Arc April 13, 2020
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Over-night celebrity.

Best female IRL racer ever.

About 5'2, 100 pounds. She's so small, Robby Gordon got pissed because her weight and height gives her about a 1 mph advantage on the track.

Picked up by Rahal from England, she's got skillz.
In the 2005 Indy 500, she qualified 4th after a mishap on the first lap.

The race came around, she stalled her car in the pits. That sent her back to 16th. Then she nearly spun into a wall. After those mishaps, she still managed to lead the race, low on fuel, for most of the last 20 laps. She fell behind on a yellow (caution), but then led the restart. She finished 4th. Same spot she qualified.

Records made on May 29th, 2005 by Danica Patrick:
Highest female starting position in the Indy 500
First female to lead a lap in the Indy 500
Highest finish by a female in the Indy 500

Some more too, but those are the important ones.
Oh, and she's really hot too.
by ~The Nameless One~ May 29, 2005
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"Official Danica Day" is my friends birthday and everybody should celebrate it with her.
Happy "Official Danica Day" is on July 2
by ZNCLMLHMBR June 2, 2022
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having danica as a friend is the best thing that has happened to me. She'll make sure to match your energy and knows whenever something is up . She's confident and will always have your back. thank you for everything!!! :)
danica taing-touch, aka my cat buddie 💪 -hanz
by spoooooofy March 9, 2022
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