A very pretty sweet awesome girl she is a very good friend is very popular guys are attracted to her like a magnet she is dating a guy that likes to dab and is a savage she loves him to death also she is very cute she can't go anywhere without getting 283747 guys numbers
Hey cheslea


The guy:ur cute
by H et bye nry March 23, 2017
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A group of foreigners who claim to be English and play within the English Premier League. Chelsea seem to think that buying Titles is successful. Chelsea's lame attempt at buying the trebble failed patheticly.

Buying the premiership: £100,000,000.

Loosing to Liverpool in the Champions League even after paying for 5 minutes extra time: Priceless.
Oh no its coming up to 90 minutes and we only have a draw, I better pay the Referees assistant some money so that we can get more than 3 minutes injury time and win!
by Matthew Smith August 11, 2005
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to rudely ignore, usually accompanied by eye-rolling and scoffing.
If you can't stand someone, turn around and chelsea him.
by Derek Wall March 27, 2007
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A highly intelligent blond bombshell, whose wit is unmatched as is her huge heart.
That lady over there is clearly a Chelsea
by JR Ewing1 April 18, 2019
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The word Chelsea comes from the latin word "cholsue" which means that someone is so amazing that they quite frankly can't be described, therefore the are Chelsea.
"Oh my gosh, she's wonderful... no she's amazing... no....... she simply Chelsea."
by CJSensing February 17, 2010
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The equivalent of Satan, all these other definitions are full of shit. The Chelseas that come from Scotland are pure evil, Although at time she can seem nice they will always back stab you, spread rumors about you in skype calls, and call you a "fucking idiot" in robloxs
Ernest: Is Chelsea talking shit again about me?
Derrick: When is she not, i swear she is satan.
by That One Pun Guy August 18, 2014
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Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea. If you ever meet her, you’re gonna wanna be her friend. She’s kind and beautiful and she has a heart of pure gold. She reminds me of fields of flowers, days spent painting and long drives that make you feel that nostalgic type of happy. She’s passionate about what she loves, especially Mac Miller. Did I mention she has great taste in music? Her style is adorable and one look at her will leave you feeling right at home. She looks out for the underdog and genuinely cares about others. She has a way of making you feel loved. She has the most beautiful blue eyes, a cute lil button nose and skin that glows. If you ever meet her, consider yourself blessed. They don’t make em like her anymore.
Oh Chelsea? Yeah she’s the coolest girl I know.”
by Paebae May 21, 2020
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