Unmatched: The defintion of lagging to death often used regarding the very bad servers of unmatched.gg
by BonezHvH December 23, 2022
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a word that SHOULD be in the dicitonary
Those two things are soooo unmatching
by Kamil B! December 15, 2008
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When you match with a someone on tinder but then you notice that they have a shitty personality so you just have to delete them from everything. So you unmatch them and make it like you guys never matched
She was so weird I just had to unmatch with her.
by @maplesarahh November 24, 2017
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a bottle containing the limitless power of the sun
officer: sir is that uranium?
officer is turned into a pile of ash by the unmatched power of the sun
by flushed emoji 😳 July 31, 2023
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Mega G Andrew Tate’s father’s quote. Basically he’s saying he had a ready insight to all things and he is never tired and relentless so that makes him scary.
My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with sheer indefatigability makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor
by Rizz daddy tre February 24, 2023
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