Literally the most boring place to live in on planet earth
Went on vacation to buffalo last week. It's basically a shit hole
by Basically A Dictionary January 11, 2015
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Buffalo is a drinking game that you can only play if you agree to play for life. There's no blood contract, but there might as well be. The rules are as follow:
-A buffalo player must always hold his or her drink
in his or her non-dominant hand. If you are ambidextrous you must declare a hand of choice prior to entering the game (for life).
-a failure to follow the first rule results in the ability for another buffalo player to call "BUFFALO!" on you. At this point you must chug your entire beer.
-There are many caveats. If a beer is in your dominant hand and also placed on a table or on your shoulder, or if you manage to inconspicuously touch your drink with any part of your non-dominant hand, then if "BUFFALO" is called it doesn't count. This is known as a "false buffalo," and the offending false accuser must then chug their beer.
-Another occasion in which the "false buffalo" rule can be invoked is if you are double fisting. This creates many interesting scenarios, as you can attempt to trick people by holding a beer in your dominant hand while holding one in your other hand also, perhaps under the table, behind your back, maybe in the pocket of a hoodie. Both beers must be open and must contain at least some beer for it to be a "false buffalo," otherwise youve been the victim of a legit buffalo call. Inducing a false buffalo is generally more respected than calling a successful one.
-Athletes may wish to incorporate "water buffalo" to stay hydrated.

Player 2: "Fuck I'm gonna puke," or "False Buffalo!"
by El Capitan Monsiuer Bisch January 26, 2010
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a very simple drinking game that can be understood and played by all. the rules are simple: if you take a drink with your dominant hand, and if another person notices this and calls "buffalo", you must chug the rest of your drink. no exceptions.
man 1: (takes drink with right hand)
man 2: buffalo!
man 1: shit. (chugs drink)

man 1: (takes drink with left hand)
man 2: buffalo!
man 1: fucker, i'm right handed
by parlejeudi July 10, 2009
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a game played between all the male members of a party in which everyone throws in ten to twenty dollars a person before the party starts. during the party whomsoever should take home the fattest ugliest girl there (the "buffalo") wins the prize money you must first disclose the location so that your friends can walk in and get the proof
hey man who won buffalo last night i know my bitch weighed at least 280 i couldn't hardly breath
by cumminscomp5.9 March 5, 2009
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To be lied to by a client.
Client: "I'm not going to buffalo you Mr. Auditor, I don't know the answer to your question."

Auditor: "Thank you Mr. Client, I appreciate not getting buffaloed."

Client: "You're welcome. Now get out of my office before I kill you with my bare hands."
by The "D" Man July 9, 2007
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A city so much in decline that not even a light-rail line could save it.
At their rate of decline, Buffalo's population would soon be smaller than the population of Peekskill.
by Omega Death February 1, 2005
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another name for a black guy (according to auto correct)
Person 1: Yo did you see that buffalo crossing that field?
Person 2: Uh dude I'm pretty sure that was a black guy.
Person 1: Yeah that's what i said.
by JLute March 6, 2019
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