A word used to blank out certain prophane words from daily conversation.
Shut the blap up!

Go blap yourself!

Blap you! Pay me.
by J.A.Wright March 23, 2006
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Blap, a sound, not to be mistaken for "blat" which is failed attempted at copying blap.
by TheRealBlapBlapPewPEw May 14, 2011
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When a black female claps and yells at the same time. Normally this would occur when the black female is extremely fustrated. If you are getting blapped at, its not a good thing.
Twa$handa was blapping at Tequishinetta when she found out she had her hair and nails did for a date wif her Twa$handa's boyfriend.
by b-rizinsky February 1, 2013
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for one to have excessive blappage or blappagry.
the art of blapping upon ones face, genitals, or anus.
To excreet bodily fluids into ones face, genitals, or anus
ZT was on the dance floor tryin to get his dick blapped.

by younglacey March 30, 2008
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Name of an up and coming rap group from the LUTON AREA AN' TING!
Blap your mother,
blap your mothers mother.
Blap your mothers mothers pet budgie.
by Tommie C and MC Sween November 27, 2003
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shooting your mouth off when you're an obvious dumb fuck.
Jethro: "Eminem is a great lyricist, but he sucks".
Bobby: "What the fuck? You are a dumb ass. Check that mouth of yours before you blap".
by elitewan June 10, 2009
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Passing gas, a fart
The sound made when farting

Origin: First heard in 1977, upstate New York
I had Chili John's for lunch, but it really made me blap.

Dude, those beans really make you blap.
by the big blapper August 29, 2011
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