A combination of bodily fluids consisting of spit, cum, period blood, and shit. Then eaten out of gaping asshole
Man, imma need some beano salad right now
by Hwhahdn April 24, 2019
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When all else is lost or your cover is blown and a full force retreat is sounded. You must cheesy beano.
Awww fuck dave your sisters mates have seen us!

Yer right stu...cheesy beano!!!
by GTho April 15, 2014
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A crime family which operates all over Los Santos. They are well known for selling illegal cargo all over the city. The Beanos Crime Family are not to be messed with.

If you encounter a member, remember to reference Beanos , in a good way, for a better chance of survival. The Beanos Crime Family only answer to one thing, the mighty Beanos, and if you question them, your head will most likely be blown off.
"Man, the Beanos Crime Family really got us good this time, robbed all the cash," -Pacific Standard Owner
by lil_lukey July 1, 2020
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the best robloxian on the planet, did your mom last night
"hey is that splash potion of beanos?" "yeah thats him. the way i can tell is because he did your mom last night"
by 42069funnyboxmanepic2020xdgame December 22, 2020
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Heckerino (originating from the term "Heck") Beano (originating from "Beano") is a phrase most commonly used in surprising circumstances.
Heckerino Beano, I did not know that was a banana!

She thought she was right until proven differently, she muttered the words "Heckerino Beano".
by Danilious Gillopsie June 28, 2018
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An annoying person that you just want to throw hands at.
You: drinking Fanta*

John: smacks Fanta out your hand

You: John you Beanoe why did you do that!

John: just to piss you off heheheh :)
by John Kujo October 19, 2021
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The guy in work that smokes constantly thats never off his fone and when hes asked to put in a bit of graft he makes a sharp exit for the portaloo
Lazy bastardin Beano
by Al1976 October 13, 2023
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