blown off

To make plans with an individual and cancel those plans (or not show up) because something more appealing came up.
Person A: "I'm not going to make dinner tonight because I heard of a sale at Tiffany's"

Person B: "Man, I just got blown off!"
by Marco Tesla February 9, 2007
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blown off course

( verb: being) : in Nordic countries such as Scandinavia and Canada, to come late to work because of an ice or snow storm
Although snow and ice are a problem in Canada, being blown off course is not an excuse for coming late to work.
by Sexydimma May 20, 2016
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blown off course

(Being, verb): coming late to work because of a snowstorm, icestorm, or sandstorm.
I was almost blown off course today cuz of the weather.
by Sexydimma January 5, 2015
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Blown off course

To recieve oral in a secluded part of a golf course.

(Or mountain bike trail, ski slope, ship, etc)
- Dude, where's Mike? I haven't seen him since the 16th hole.
- Oh, he's being blown off course by that hot babe who works in the pro shop.


- Captain! I've been blown off course!
- Sweet! Did she swallow?
by pseudonymph2009 September 29, 2009
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blown off course

(Being, verb): in Nordic countries such as Canada, coming late to work because of a snowstorm or icestorm.
I was almost blown off course today cuz of the weather; however, being blown off course is not an excuse.
by Sexydimma April 13, 2015
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