Anish Parmar, born on the 6th of July 2001, is a serial entrepreneur, digital marketer and content creator who has worked with and appeared on various notable publications such as the BBC, ITV, Yahoo! News, Buzzfeed & more.
He runs his own full-service agency 'Distriibute Public Relations' and also his own mentorship program 'AnstaSocial' helping aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners with their social media marketing online.
Did you see Anish Parmar on Forbes? He's a prodigy to look out for.
by Repeating March 22, 2021
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Roses are red
Violets are gay

Anish Katta is the GOAT
What's left to say:)
WRMS students: "Did you see Anish Katta dancing during PE today?"
by 2023:) May 21, 2021
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Root for giraffe; also can mean genetically bad at Minecraft
Hey mom! Look at that Anish Shrestha! He is very tall!
Why are you such an Anish Shrestha, I always have to carry you on Hypixel.
by Naphatus June 2, 2020
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Noun: A brown, saucy sauce. Sometimes nacho cheese flavored, this sauce is the product of Walter Hartwell Brown, and is known to the state of Detroit to cause of autism. This brown, saucy sauce is known to be excreted from a brown, saucy person.

Adjective: The action of producing sauce.
1. Man, I might have snorted too much Anish Sauce last night, I can't remember a thing!

2. The man said "It's saucing time", then proceeded to sauce all over everyone.
by Biggie Cheese Official November 3, 2022
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When an extremely short indian whoops your ass and makes you eat curry.
You didn’t have to dirty anish him but it works.
by PizzaCatDog June 29, 2020
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Anish Pranav is an amazing person.
He is damn rich and cares about his friends.
He has a thick ass and huge bobbies too.
Anish Pranav is so good at fortnite!!!
by Idiot Fat Goat April 17, 2022
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