The most amazing individual that you will ever meet. He is by far the best friend you will ever have and he will always be here for you no matter what. He is the type to understand the craziest people and makes friends with the craziest of all people.
I love you Ricky you're an amazing person !! -Rissa
by Lee0934 December 21, 2016
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Verb. To royally screw someone over financially, and then act all cool about it like you did nothing wrong.
Oh man, this guy TOTALLY rickyed me on my contract.
by smoobs October 6, 2016
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The most Über pro CoD player in the world, everyone likes to bitch about his l33t skills.
A: fuck you Ricki for being so good i hate you.
B: Stop bitching just because you dont have my l33t skills.
by Mr KK October 14, 2010
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A jerk, a player and someone you shouldn't keep in your life. Ricky is a toolbag although he tells you he likes you in the beginning
Ricky lied about loving me
by Hiddenbehindthesmile June 14, 2011
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An amazing guy. Shy, sweet, and cute. Very smart and tall. Very attractive and easy to fall in love with. Popular and all the girls chase after him. Easy to trust. Has many friends.
Wow! Look at Ricky and Christina. She's a lucky one!
by -A Secret May 3, 2016
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A person who thinks he is reptar and wants any girl uder the age of 16
hey dude that guy is such a Ricky the way he is going up to Kaitlyn like that
by Stephanie Benioux July 25, 2009
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