A sixties car made by Peugeot.
The 404 came out in the sedan, wagon, pickup and cabriolet bodies.
by Individuo August 8, 2006
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It's 404...
dreaming of...
the one I Love 💗
by Wanderlust_721 August 28, 2023
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The polite, simple, and generally geeky way of saying: "LOLZ @ U! DA PG U R LOOKIN 4 AINT UP 4 GRABZ BOI... GUTTED M8."

These message is usually only understood by people who are experienced in the use of compueters and understand its terminology, yet it is only ever encountered by the computer-illiterate, thus making it pointless.
"Error 404 has occured... cri moar"
by Dr O'Maw February 8, 2007
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Normally an error given when indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server either could not find the file that was requested, or was unwilling to fulfil the request for it and did not wish to reveal the reason why.
More recently used to describe a user or individual that, at any given moment will lock up and seem to have no intelligence what-so-ever and will not co-operate to solve an issue. (ie No Intelligence Found)
hey guys we got a 404 - NOT FOUND over here, user cant find ALT on the keyboard
by txtrlikesun March 16, 2006
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An error that occurs when an internet page cannot be found; often occurs due to loss of internet connection or an update to the current site.
Hey Jim, I tried to get to that site you told me about but I must have typed the URL wrong because I got a 404 error.
by ShamrockGold November 4, 2003
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a 4chan phrase that means "in thread before (b4) it 404's (gets deleted (you get a 404 error message when a thread is deleted))
"Anybody got some CP?"
"inb4 404"
by Vermin Supreme January 4, 2009
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