A sudden burst of abilities that happen after a bad breakup. A common example is the concept of "Optimus Fine". Breakup powers often manifest in the form of extreme motivation, dedication, and improvement in physical attributes, performance in work/school related skills, or in personal projects.

These improvements are fueled from a genuine desire to improve oneself, or on the other extreme, pure spite for the ex-partner in an effort to show them what they've lost. The effects may last from a few weeks to a couple of years, depending directly on how hard the breakup was.
If you have gone through a breakup, and feel an overwhelming urge to improve yourself in every way and get things done, you might be developing breakup powers. You will feel the urge to get good in every aspect of your life, be the absolute best you can be, and maybe show your ex what they're missing out on. Keep the motivation going, just don't hurt yourself, and take care of yourself!
by akuwardmoments March 15, 2022
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When a relationship ends in the same way that WalMart fires employees... You don't officially get fired, your shifts just get reduced to nothing.
I think Bertha and I may have had a WalMart Breakup. We kind of just... stopped having sex. I'm not even sure I'm not still in a relationship after all this time.
by rocky-roadhouse-icecream March 21, 2016
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The body someone gets after working out a lot, post-breakup. Since most people try and get fit after splitting up, they're more muscular and athletic than normal.

It can be a form of revenge, or just a way to improve yourself.
Damn, Tim's got that breakup bod since he and Ana split! *Sex Appeal*
by wordsrcooldude April 18, 2018
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Best kind of breakup to worst and everything in between (best meaning most respectful)
In person
Over video chat
Over skype/phone call
Over IM
Over text
Over e-mail
Having a friend do it for you
Changing your facebook status to "single"
Girl: That asshole just broke up with me over e-mail!
Friend: Ouch. That's pretty low on the breakup hierarchy.
Girl: Yeah. But at least he didn't just change his fb status to "single."
Friend (checking her fb) WHAT THE FRACK???!!!
by elliebellie2323 October 8, 2011
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The act of scouring your entire facebook page, removing any traces of your ex. This could be pictures, comments, likes, etc.
Person A: Dude I just broke up with Jenna
Person B: I know, I saw you doing a Facebook Breakup
by nerdrage201 June 5, 2011
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A person who involves themselves in a relationship when it is none of their business, and therefore convinces one person in the relationship of the shortcomings of their significant other. Often has alterior motives.
My boyfriend and I broke up. He and his breakup buddy are now an item. Suprise suprise.
by Samantha Fischer July 2, 2007
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The first time you have had sex with someone else after a break up (virgin or not).
I lost my breakup virginity last night after the clubs... I hadn’t had sex since my ex
by Shishigoose May 24, 2021
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