hika you fool, you have gravely challenged the sacred rei plushie. fear the consequences and face your inevitable demise for you have not been blessed by the plush. powers of rei plushie exceeds your imagination and this realm
Hika met her doom by the prophecy of rei plushie revenge
by rei plush September 27, 2021
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Noun - diarrhea specifically caused by eating the Quebecois dish poutine; a play on Montezuma's revenge
I knew I shouldn't have had poutine for lunch - headed to the can again for another round of Montreal's revenge.
by Visually Violated March 30, 2022
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when somebody takes it up the ass from certain sponsor for payment for travel and/or training services. The "maude" for general cases would be the one expecting payment for goods and/or services. the "revenge" would be the act done that would be equal to monetary payment.
danny and....sponsor use "old maude's revenge" to settle payment

"old maude's revenge" is used as payment
old maude's revenge
by chedder t January 13, 2009
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The inevitable fallout for the actions taken by some on January 6th 2021 in attempt to overthrow a legitimate election because their cult leader failed every other attempt to weasel his away into a 2nd term.
Did you hear Rick had to resign over his actions at the Trump rally, turns out there's always the Revenge of the 6th to watch out for.
by Myfartssmelllikepoop January 12, 2021
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The gift you or your children give after receiving a crappy present, particularly at Xmas. OR

Gifting someone a totally inappropriate present, because throughout the year they have continually pissed you off.
I think we need to revenge-gift Sammy for his birthday after he gave the kids those drums, cymbals and horns for Xmas. OR

I think Jim needs some little blue pills as a revenge gift for his 21st after what he did at mine.
by Jim Shoo December 28, 2011
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When you fuck your mates girl friend becuase he stole your beers
Fuck man, stu stole like all my beers last night im gonna tap tap revenge him
by Dhahahxhvkbf February 1, 2017
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When you know who gave you Covid the first time so you purposely bump into them when you get it again.
I'm going into work on Monday to give my boss the old Wuhan Revenge.
by Snitty85 September 22, 2023
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