He pulled down his pants and he was sporting a really warm Canadian fur coat.
by Ersatzverite July 15, 2023
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It is Fur-Day but it happens on every day of the year.
Niko: Hey Bacon, it's fur-day 4
Bacon: oh no
by Sauce-nowski December 23, 2020
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Every day of the week apart from Friday it is fur-day. If you have a furry friend even if you are not a furry yourself you must do something furry related with them. this is a day of boops on the snoots, art, soft fur and fun
Niko: it's fur-day 4 it is time to suffer
Bacon: oh god oh mama
by December 23, 2020
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Similar to Dusting but with a twist. The act of mutual felatio between a human and dog where one or both participants pass wind during the act
C2: "Last night I was fur dusting with rover and he darted mid lick!"
by Shits and giggles on the road September 29, 2020
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a. a hairy vagina.
b. The passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus in girls.
Summer is almost here, guess it's time to trim my fur balloon.
by feowyn August 12, 2008
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When you eat poon for a real long time.
Girl, he went down on me all night. He done had himself a fur buffet.
by Munchmeister 69, Esquire February 28, 2018
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an affectionate name for a guy's arm, leg and chest hair
I love my polar bear fur; it keeps me warm during the winter
by Sexydimma November 18, 2016
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