When a government , non-profit or corporate body uses monopolization as a strategy of an individual no matter how nasty the person's background is.
Surprisingly so many times these real smart pedophiles make PROPENSIFYING CORPORATIONS which comes from the fact their entire body and mind is perfectly controlled as they have no personality thst they think they do is they are just a TOTAL VOID.
by PEDOPHILE SANDBOX August 20, 2021
A corporation humanizing itself, usually through social media such as Twitter, to make you think that the corporation is your friend, or at least a person, as opposed to a business built for profit.
all of these brand twitter accounts that have been posting random shit are just examples of how normalized corporate humanization has become in today's world.
by jai_ June 1, 2023
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The interaction of a business with its operating environment.
Corporate ecology is increasingly becoming more important to businesses in today's world.
by 32768 February 18, 2012
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A colloquial term used in corporate settings to describe an individual who takes excessive pleasure in establishing and enforcing overly strict rules for the office. For instance, requiring prior approval to participate in company-sanctioned recreation (e.g., ping pong). Related to: corporate cunt.
Corporate Kermit, during a conference call: Excuse me, Salt Lake office? Please put yourself on mute, I can't hear myself talk over your collective breathing. Thanks.
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Corporate Tortograph Theory states that in the world of late-stage capitalism, the human impulse for creativity has been channeled so exclusively towards marketing that almost any absurd collection of words, names, or syllables is likely to coenside with a real-world entity, person, or organization of some sort, often in the corporate sphere.
Jesse, I typed “Gortco” into Google and came up with a page for a random Norwegian company… just another proof for Corporate Tortograph Theory.”
by Galaxy94 June 30, 2023
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A corporation isn't a democracy, because there is a hierarchy. As long as a hierarchy exists, everyone doesn't make the same money at work, everyone doesn't have the same power, because a hierarchy will not allow for that to happen. How much of a boost for people's morale is it really to know that there is a hierarchy and if some people are not in control of it, they want to discard the old one and start a new, fresh one. (not to really bring justice and equality to all, that's been the lie that many have used to rise to power while the world is still as fucked up and unjust as it ever was today, but to benefit from their claims of things that sound good to the masses)
A corporation is not much of a democracy, though it's said to be and supposed to be, in actuality it's closer to a feudal system where the people that feed the masses don't really have to give a fuck about them.
by The Original Agahnim January 30, 2022
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A sunset as viewed out of the windows of an office building before an inevitable late night, but seen through the reflection of the windows of the identical office building across the parking lot from your own.
"Somehow, seeing the corporate sunset tonight isn't making the four extra hours of work ahead of me worth it."
by fishy-fishy December 13, 2019
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