When something is entirely rigged. No self fulfilling prophesies. Someone knows when something will happen because it's rigged. Life is a man made constructed biological lottery game.
Nah man it's just part of the rig-dom.
by Flying-Pasta-Monsters October 20, 2022
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"Dom wit the 12" is another way of saying a cannabis dealer is about to deliver 12 grams of high quality weed to your house
Person #1: are you telling me we ain't gettin that dom wit the 12?
Person #2: no, I think we just lost our 100 bucks.
Person #1: bummer.
by VIMETTLE April 4, 2021
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"Dom wit the 12" is another way of saying a cannabis dealer is about to deliver 12 grams of high quality weed to your house
Person#1: are you saying we ain't getting the dom wit the 12?
Person#2: no, I think we just lost our 100 bucks
Person#1: bummer
by VIMETTLE April 4, 2021
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(South African noun ) An Individual that is really smart and has common sense but manages come off as blonde or stupid
by Domnaai May 11, 2022
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It is when your friend is either very stupid or goes for the same girl as you did
Ag Jirre Gert jys n dom naai!
by Die penismeester November 23, 2021
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an young spunk puppy who's purpose in life is to run around after his superior(s), while they put definitions of him on urban dictionary.com
dom you spunk puppy, after you have finished shinning my shoes go and make me a cup of tea, bitch.
by uncle super schlong June 18, 2003
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The delayed onset muscle soreness from eating something too spicy. Like with exercise is usually takes two days to take full effect.
Mate I've got really bad chili doms, my stomach is cramping so bad. I think it's from that curry yesterday.
by King Tiny November 1, 2018
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