1. A streak of random luck for someone who doesn't deserve it.
2. A person who gets lucky without deserving it.
Look at that complete cluster luck who won the lottery! I guess Lady Luck really is blind, because that guy is a complete prick.
by das.sprache.meister March 8, 2015
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this is the luck of a chicken has for always running away from evil crimes and worst of the worst shit he starts with everyone trying to rule the world...and gets away scot free to live to do some behind the scenes sneak type sucker punch type shit again
this cluck luck going to stop very soon... i made a mine field everywhere around me and next time you sneak up to attack me in my sleep....no escape no matter where you run...unless you can fly. can you fly i need to know that now.
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either a man or a woman who pulls a member of the opposite sex who is out of their league
joe: damn bro have u seen judes new girlfriend?
fred: yeah bro she's an 11/10 and he's funny lookin
joe:*sighs* kmt div 10 pack luck
by #90 June 3, 2023
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Named after Julian Rago, refers to the kind of fortune where small victories are overshadowed by crushing demoralizing setbacks.
Dam this girl told me I was cute but when I met her in person she told me that she thought I was my friend this must be Rago Luck.
by Julian Rago November 11, 2018
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Only amateurs say this before a match.
Amateur "Good luck, have fun!"

Hym *long winded rant on how only fucking amateurs say that shit and how now we're going to lose because this guy is on our team and his bum ass is going to throw so hard it makes it impossible to win OR he's going to sabotage when things start to go south and the I piss and moan as so as he starts to do bad and I'm like 'Oh! See!? See!? Look! Fucking amateur! There he goes he finally decided to start stinky it up! There he goes!' And then we play and he's just feeding his brain out. I outplay the jungler or something and 5 minutes later he's killed the amateur 3 or 4 times and now he's ahead and there's no hope. And then we lose. Or I clutch late-game and I win, for everyone."
by Hym Iam October 3, 2023
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a phrase commonly associated with being gay and having gay sex. GOOD LUCK can be used to infer that someone is a bottom or is sexually submissive.
have you seen michael's bbl? they have good luck
by bblmichael69 May 8, 2022
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