Skeet Gifting. (v) the act of shooting down Jeff Bezos vision of the future. As unmanned octocopters fill the sky with deliveries from; the practise will become more common place. Not for material gain by the shooter, but, as a way to spread the wealth across the seas of the unwashed. See “slacktivism.” Both the shooter and the recipient feel morally and ethically gratified after every “take down”.
"Hey paw. Isn't Santa coming this year. No son. We have to rely on the skeet gifting of others son. Jeff will see us through.
by IKaizen December 3, 2013
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People who show up naked at your house and offer their luscious warm softness as a "present" for you to savor and enjoy.
Many humans happily welcome visitors baring gifts; extra points if said arrivals also bring tasty culinary treats to fill their host's tummies, as well. I once saw a hilarious two-column essay about "how to please a woman vs. how to please a man"; the first column was a very lengthy list of things for the guy to do for the lady, such as buying her flowers and sweets, opening doors for her, complimenting her on her choices of clothing and praising her looks, etc. But for the other column, it merely listed two very brief items that a lady has to do to make a guy feel special and satisfied: "Show up naked" and "Bring food". :P
by QuacksO October 25, 2019
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To give a gift to someone to get a gift back or use as leverage to:
Complain later

Martyr yourself as a saint

Can be noun or verb.
My baby mama gave me a present on Christmas and later gift bitched me to her family

Gift bitch gifting bitching
by English phd April 25, 2017
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greek godess mommy who birthed three children: kate reuben and seren.
me: "MOMMIE"
gift okey: "i dont listen to mitski"
me: "ew! still love ya tho x"
by urchin stomper March 2, 2022
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Ocean swell lines of waves described as corduroy looking. Often Originating from large storms In the Pacific Ocean Alution Islands. These “Cordury Gifts”, often are headed to California and Hawaii and described as “Stacked to the Horizon” , Visually they look like corduroy and send surfers to their favorite surfing spots
Stacked to the horizon
Corduroy Giftsstacked to the horizon send surfers to ther favorite surfing beaches .
by Radfrad February 4, 2018
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Gift Hijacking is when you put your name on someone else's gift either because you forgot to get a gift or because you were just to lazy to get one.
Gift Forgetter: *eyeing the table of gifts* Hmm....from Erica? *scribble scribble* and Ashley.

Party-goer: Hey! That's gift hijacking!
by Kittiefied November 22, 2012
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