When a mans anal juices burst from his hole
We fucked too hard and he popped crumbs.
by manbro6969 February 26, 2015
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Friend of the group raised without a mom. Visible lack of character traits and manners from the lack of a motherly figure
That crumb kid over there’s mom died of cancer when he was a kid and now he sucks Dorito dust off of his fingers.
by Uncle Samuel February 15, 2021
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A softer, more artistically gifted breed of the common dirty hipster.
"That was a total crumb punk party last night."
"Yeah, he hangs out with crumb punks now."
by Scry Love April 15, 2014
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The crumbs one leaves in a bag of chips that is not theirs, so they don't feel bad about eating the entire bag.
"Do you have any chips left?"

"Nah, just some sympathy crumbs Julie left."
by spyczech April 20, 2016
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when a bag of potato chips are crunched or beaten until there are no chips, only crumbs.
Mom: Im going to the store do you want anything
Son: Can you get me some potato crumbs
Mom: Those are too expensive
Son: Then just get some potato chips and crunch them up
by andy026 August 16, 2008
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A rather small piece of shit left in the asshole that has dried over time
gerald knew he didn’t wipe very well when he saw beef crumbs in my boxers :)
by michelle.hanes May 20, 2021
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When you take the combination of chip crumbs and remainder of whatever dip and stir. Depending on the nature of the dip it can also be microwaved. Important to be combined and eaten with a spoon.
Those chips need to be made into a crumb casserole.
by Saltinajo September 9, 2023
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