Spit on her back right before you cum, and when she turns around, cum in her face. You then punch her in the nose so that the semen and blood mix, and follow that up by jamming a shit filled condom into her pussy.
Jackson: “I just gave my girlfriend the good ol’ Trans-Alaskan Jelly Fakeout last night”
Isaac: “Damn bro good shit
by silentiger June 30, 2019
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Somebody who likes transgender girls. they also enjoy watching chicks with dick.
afif: u a trans-lesbian

roberty: no u
by 69lickdicker69 March 3, 2019
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Feeling more comfortable presenting as masculine however still under the umbrella of Transgender and Non-binary.
Example (A)

A: Hey, that person dresses like a boy but looks like a girl, what do you think their pronouns are?
B: Hey A, how bout you mind your fucking business before I make your pronouns stop/breathing

Example (B)

A: I feel much more comfortable presenting as masculine today, but I'm still Non-binary.
B: Yes and that's completely valid that you feel that way :)

Trans Masc Non-binary
by SlaydenIsWritingLosers September 15, 2022
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An AFAB who is a lesbian but also kinda trans. Like would get top surgery. Not to be confused with non binary lesbians.
“Hey are you going to the forest race?”
“ Who all is gonna be there?”
“You know, all the trans-lesbians”
“Word, I’m there!”
by TS_noboobies October 10, 2020
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An insult worst than ur mum gay , your daddy lesbo , your granny tranny or your sister a mister
Every time it’s used Jupiter’s mass is doubled
John: ur mum gay
Jake: your ancestor a trans protester
John: DIES
Jupiter ENGULFS Saturn
by Mr.sofcok March 16, 2018
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REALLY!? Reeeeally? So like... Biological female identifies as man? Really!?
Hym "Wow! Trans-man!? You're shitting me! My curiosity is peaked. I almost HAVE to look up his/her name. Shit... I'm almost at a loss for words. I would have guessed black guy before I guessed trans-man! I mean, your first guess almost HAS to be 'white-guy' (and you'd be semantically correct) but damn... I don't even know what to do here... Is it sexist for me NOT to do the scoreboard this time? Hold on............................................................... Ok. Audrey Hale 6-1-? This isn't praise (by the way) it's just the score. And (as anyone who plays the game knows) the score doesn't actually reflect what happened during the match and, sometimes, it doesn't even determine whether or not you win..."
by Hym Iam March 28, 2023
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that awkward phase of a trans person's life (most commonly seen in the teenaged FTM community, usually before hormone therapy) where they think everything revolves around them and the fact that they are trans.

In this stage, they will usually complain far too much about their appearance, family and what the therapist told them to do to cope with their dysphoria.

They may also assume that every weird look they got, every time they get refused something and basically every single bad thing that happens is because they're trans. They generally underestimate how accepted they actually are in society and feel like they'll never be able to prove their gender.

They can be very draining for those around them, thanks to their negativity. They may also choose to invalidate their friends' care, simply to fit their view that the world is against them.

Usually people with baby trans syndrome grow out of it and flourish into any other self-assured trans person once they realise it's cringe to complain about every single person who misgenders them.
"Hey, my friend came out as trans a couple months ago and he keeps going on about how much he wants a dick so he can fuck me"
"Oh don't worry it's just the baby trans syndrome! Also um... what?"
by riceGrippies September 22, 2022
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