Dysphoria is an experience trans, genderqueer, and non-binary people have. It describes discomfort, loathing, anxiety, and depression revolving around one's social gender role and/or physical sex characteristics. It's a very serious experience that leads to larger anxiety/depression problems, depersonalization, thoughts of suicide, social withdrawal, self harm, etc.
Fallon: Where were you last night? We missed you at the party.
Skylar: Sorry. I had a serious bout of dysphoria and couldn't bring myself to go.
Fallon: Oh, I understand. You didn't miss much, anyway.
Skylar: Sorry. I had a serious bout of dysphoria and couldn't bring myself to go.
Fallon: Oh, I understand. You didn't miss much, anyway.
by kyerowan January 17, 2014
by Sashie402 July 18, 2004
A state of dissatisfaction with life in general. The opposite of euphoria.
from Greek dusphoros 'hard to bear'
from Greek dusphoros 'hard to bear'
by magicmenagerie February 4, 2020
by WeirdPerson3001 August 31, 2020
A feeling that all transgender people get, whether they are mtf, ftm, or nonbinary.
Gender dysphoria | Feeling like you are a gender that is not the one you were assigned at birth.
Body dysphoria | Being uncomfortable with certain body parts because they remind you of the gender you do not identify as. Whether it be your no-no square or your feminine hips.
Social dysphoria | Discomfort in the gender the people around you see you as, and how they treat you based on that.
Gender dysphoria | Feeling like you are a gender that is not the one you were assigned at birth.
Body dysphoria | Being uncomfortable with certain body parts because they remind you of the gender you do not identify as. Whether it be your no-no square or your feminine hips.
Social dysphoria | Discomfort in the gender the people around you see you as, and how they treat you based on that.
Nick: Bro why aren’t you feeling good today?
Leo: I’m feeling a lot of dysphoria today.
Nick: Yea man I understand.
Leo: I’m feeling a lot of dysphoria today.
Nick: Yea man I understand.
by Leooo0_thelion August 1, 2019
by artificialcherry February 21, 2009
so·bri·e·ty dys·pho·ri·a
/səˈbrīədē disˈfôrēə/
A state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with being sober
/səˈbrīədē disˈfôrēə/
A state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with being sober
by TheTallestPsychonaut June 28, 2021