An Annie is when you spill coffee on yourself.
Guy 1: Did you just spill coffee on yourself?

Guy2: Yeah, I just pulled an Annie.
by American Psychbro February 22, 2023
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A girl who tends to mostly hang out with boys. Kind and a wanna be popular, she doesn’t realize that she doesn’t have to be popular to be cool. She has short blonde hair, blue eyes, and is very tall.
Amelia: Annie is sooo nice.
Billy : I know right?
by Lark valley kids October 25, 2019
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A girl who tends to mostly hang out with boys. Kind and a wanna be popular, she doesn’t realize that she doesn’t have to be popular to be cool. Has short blonde hair, blue eyes, and is very tall.
Amelia: Annie is sooo nice.
Billy: I know right?
by Lark valley kids October 25, 2019
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the most perfect girl youd ever have the chance to have, once you have her you realize how lucky you are, shes chill, outgoing, lowkey so funny, smart, and that kind of beautiful that you cant go wrong with, tall slim brunette thats hella athletic, makes fun of your exes with you and she will say it to their face. an absolute badass, will do anything with you from skydiving to chilling watching a horror movie on her couch, openly asks to spend more time with you. your parents love her too. shes something special
man that annie is something special, id do anything for her
by mini lil huddy September 17, 2022
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Annie is a smart name for smart people that know math
Annie are you so smart
by Asdfghwy January 8, 2022
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Nasty cool. Smokes you out, on the skateboard and in life. Eats you out, on the skateboard and in life. Dad left when they were young, but they’re tough. They’re the life of the party, awkward on the dance floor, but IS the moment. Lucky you if you’ve found one, they’re rare between the ages of 0-26.
Maggie is cool, but they’re no Annie. Annie knows wassup.
by gxybxtch November 22, 2021
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Annie’s such a nice person but when she see’s a colored one she’s so mean.
Annie: hey is that a black boy?
Samantha: annie calm down
Annie: I need to go kick his ass
by Mr.slaveman3x January 19, 2022
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