When one fills their mouth with cheese before orally pleasuring their preferred sexual partner
Did you hear I gave Sarah the old Wisconsin whirlwind yesterday? She won't look me in the eye anymore
by KingAten October 8, 2021
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A piece of cheese that’s been microwaved for 30 seconds.
I had a Wisconsin quesadilla for lunch today, so my therapist prescribed me antipsychotics.
by tcrabboy April 4, 2021
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A shitty state that produces cheese and shit that looks like cum
Wisconsin sucks ass
by shittybastard1234 September 20, 2021
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A state that only has Summer for 30 minutes
"Dude it went from 85° to 20° degrees in a matter of mins...."

"Welcome to Wisconsin, John"
by Tornado dude September 7, 2021
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Its either made of cheese or doesn't exist but I don't know I've never been there
Man: What is Wisconsin?
Man 2: I think its cheese
by SPACE JOE August 17, 2020
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Just make sure Cinnamon don't stay itchin.
Nathan Baron don't play Dat shit in Wisconsin. Ol cheese head.
by ElectraHerz February 2, 2022
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It doesn't exist
person 1: yo do you wanna go to Wisconsin with me
person 2: what's Wisconsin
by pussy_ fairy June 23, 2020
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