a way to ask for a blowjob when your girl is below your waist.
girl:I dropped my phone ( bends down to pick it up)
boy: while your down there
by young jayness September 10, 2006
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A type of annoying gag that is aimed at unknown hotel patrons

The perpetrator stands at one end of a long hallway and sprints to the other end (in the direction of the elevators and staircase), while simultaneously knocking on as many hotel room doors as possible. Results vary, as efforts can yield anything from no response whatsoever, to a naked couple opening their door to see who or what has interrupted their lovemaking.
My stay in Cleveland sucked. I got so bored in the middle of the night that I pulled a knock while running on my neighbors.
by bored_at_work_3 April 23, 2010
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The act of consuming food items and/or beverages while simultaneously releasing fecal matter into the toilet. One of the glorious freedoms that we all can try and enjoy.
Joe: Why did John just take his 12" sub sandwich into the bathroom?
Kevin: dude. John is always eating while shitting. Efficiency man!

Joe: *tears of admiration* bless that man.
by brobbinso November 19, 2015
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Used when a task may take a long time to complete. Usually said when you have to keep clicking the Thumbs Down button on Urban Dictionary to put a stupid definition in its rightful place: the bottom of the page.
*after seeing the definition of OMG on the top of the page* This may take a while...
by spel itt rite June 2, 2006
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Blogging While Working (BWW) is the act of, well, blogging at work. Companies may see this as reason enough to fire you, especially if you are divulging trade secrets.
Dave: Angie got fired for BWW.
Jesse: She was a big white woman?
Dave: No, she was blogging while working.
Jesse: Ahhh.
by Dave Berlin July 1, 2005
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When you do this, you inhale oxygen, but you can't breathe, causing self-suffocation of the lungs.

According to known scientist, and major risk taker, Spencer Chapman, who risked his life making this marvelous discovery, for man kind to study....
"Oh shit, i inhaled while breathing"
Inhaling while breathing- The practice of self suffocation
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Participating in the day-to-day functions and operations of The British Royal Family, including Queen Elizabeth II and her close relations.
1) Meghan Markle was "Royalling While Black", so we have to add that to the "While Black" list.
2) "Royalling While Black" was cool with The British Royal Family until Prince Harry and Meghan conceived baby Archie.
by AVaffair March 9, 2021
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