The amazingly stupid logic people use when they're drugged beyond belief, but still want more.
Tweeker1: I'll let you punch me in the face for just one hit of your joint. Tweeker2: That sounds like a good deal to me. Rndm Guy: That sounds more like Tweeker Logic to me....
by Xero _ Manifest March 17, 2011
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When a tweeker says fifteen minutes but it really ends up being three hours.
Where is that fool at? He's on tweeker time bro, he'll be back at 2 am.
by thesensone June 15, 2011
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A gay tweeker couple who exhibit none of the positive homosexual stereotypes and all of the negative tweeker stereotypes. Usually one has tourettes' syndrome or some other bizzare mental disorder that is exacerbated by month long IV, snorted and/or smoked Crystal Methamphetamine and oral Xannex/Klonopin binges.
"Dude my new roomates are tweeker twins and they stay up for weeks at a time listening to Barbra Striesand at all hours!"
by PharmaPharmer December 29, 2005
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When you do so much Meth that eventually your feet
get swollen, caked up dead skin, scabs,smell and they hurt
when you walk,
She was fine, are you kidding? didn't you see her Tweeker feet?
by Framsio March 4, 2010
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A game payed in the inner city. All that is needed is yourself, a knife, and a tweeker (preferably walking through your back alley eyeing your huffy bike which may be missing a back wheel and chain). Stab the tweeker, then politely inform him that he is "it".
Last night i saw your dad and Rev. Gerald playing tweeker tag. meth
by gei27 June 30, 2010
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did you see her pussy lips thay look like meat curtains. Those aint meat curtains those are tweeker tarps cause their extremely stretched the fuck out
by Ateaball and flailing tuff February 8, 2021
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1. (n.) The condition a person is in when he/she is twacked

2. (v.) An action someone pulls, that relates to something a tweeker would do
1. You are tweeker status right now.

2. What the hell?! You just cleaned your house with a toothbrush?! That's tweeker status!
by Jessica November 24, 2004
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