20 definitions by PharmaPharmer

Very potent marijuana. To the extent that one may not be able to walk. Usually of the variety C. Indica.
"That was some hella wheelchair bud. I can't move.
by PharmaPharmer December 29, 2005
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Short for Altoids the originaly celebrated curiously strong mint.
"Babe, your breath is rank, pop a toid!
by PharmaPharmer December 29, 2005
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Amature porn shot in the parking lot or infront of a Wal*Mart. I've seen many examples on the internet.

Any CD or DVD that Wal*Mart won't cary due to sexual content or ofensive language.
"I downloaded a bunch of video files and it all turned out to be Wall*Porn.
by PharmaPharmer December 29, 2005
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Marijuana cultivar from the Hindu Kush mountian region of Afghanistan.
That Hindu Kush is some dank Afghani weed!
by PharmaPharmer November 8, 2006
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A way of spelling NorCal which is northern claifornia. The opposite of SoCal(southern California). Spelling common to Marijuana Growers Chat Boards.
by PharmaPharmer December 29, 2005
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Gravity Toke: A hit out of a gravity bong or gravity toker.
"I packed you a fat GT, go hit it fool!"
by PharmaPharmer December 29, 2005
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An elite Nor*Cal medical marijuana farmer who produces well cured, aromatic, smooth and tasty marijuana of extreemly high potency growing under the legal protection of California's prop 215. PharmaPharmer's usually also have the following traits; produce hash, honey oil, brownies that paralyze you for 8 hours or other crazy ass highly concentrated products of marijuana. Usually have a science or medical education.
"I get all my dank fom a pharmapharmer!"
by PharmaPharmer December 29, 2005
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