'to turk' (v - transitive) to be vigorously pillaged up the anus by a sweaty man of Middle Eastern or Turkish extraction, normally (but not always) against one's will. Often occurs in sordid prisons or dank, humid basements. Unpleasant.
Whilst Archibold perused some Persian rugs his eye was caught by a robust looking Moroccan who beckoned him to observe some more ''carpets'' in his basement by explaining to Archibold that the better quality carpets were kept out of sunlight.
On entering the basement it was too late and poor Archibold realised he had been caught up in some dastardly deed. For the next hour he received a thoroughly good ''turking''.
by Toby Harding May 30, 2007
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Good-Looking, Intelligent and Impressive
Sadiq Adnan the prime example of a Turk.
by yesthisisright April 26, 2011
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People that are using up all the server space on Knight Online(USKO). They are also hated by the English speaking people on KO reason being that they cheat(KOXP) and never shut their dirty mouths. They also beg, and keep talking gibberish.
Did you see that dirty Turk koxping again, they should all get banned.

I hate when these dirty Turks keep talking to me, and I told them that I don't speak Turkish!
by Adrian Wrona February 3, 2007
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Describes aggressive requests & hounding behavior in video chatrooms to a female chatter. A Turk can usually be discovered through their persistent use of the phrase "open bobbs!" (sic.) as a command to female cammers.

Turks are always unsucessfull at getting girls naked, however this does not stop them from becoming more persistent and more aggressive, until they are kicked from a room.

See White Knights and Cock Blocking for related behavior.
John: "Come on Susie, show us your boobs!"
Steve: "John, you're such a turk."
by n0b0dy September 17, 2012
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Sexual position in which the female partner is tied face down to an ottoman with knees touching the floor. The male partner thrusts from behind until the ottoman has reached the opposite wall of the living room. The male partner then spins the ottoman around and repeats the process. This continues until ejaculation is achieved and the female partner is rendered unconscious.

Turkish Coffee - Please see 'The Turk, anal'
Why did my chick leave your house covered in drywall and rug burns yesterday? You wanna know the truth? I gave her the turk and sent her packin'.
by Jank Bootsy November 10, 2009
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Bunch of wankers who try and take another country's property.
Hide your iPod, those Turks over there are eyeing it.
by Anagnostis February 20, 2011
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Turk is an ethnicity that was propagated during the WWI period by the right-wing conservative Christian media to have massacred millions upon millions, heck, zillions of Christians in order to justify the colonization attempts of the European Allied forces...

After WWI, Turks were found innocent of crimes against humanity in the courts of those very same Allied forces because the “obvious evidences” were proven to be nothing but forgeries and racist war time propaganda. According to the court’s findings (and this is just a mere scratch of the surface), the masterminds who forged those documents (ahem, the evidence!) did not understand how the Islamic calendar worked! They also obviously did not know how to speak Turkish very well, and they most obviously misspelled every Pasha’s name who supposedly issued or received those orders...

Well, anyway volumes can be written about the “obvious evidence,” and about the creative geniuses who have successfully managed to stir-up hatred of Turks to further the European colonialist agenda. Then again, volumes can be said about today’s European politicians who sit on their cushy seats in the parliament, clueless of history, and vote “aye” on a version of history that they feel is appropriate and in cooperation with the racist construction of the Turks’ terrible “essence.”

Those of you who think I’m bullshitting, try this little mental exercise: take away all the racist imagery and the chants, and ask yourselves honestly, “what do I NOW know about the Turks?”
“I was being employed by His Majesty’s Government to compile all available documents on the present treatment of the Armenians by the Turkish Government in a 'Blue Book,' which was duly published and distributed as war-propaganda!”
Arnold Joseph Toynbee, "The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: a Study in the Contact of Civilizations," Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1922, p. 50.
by runkli March 14, 2006
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