Is a basketball slang " catch phrase " used by sports announcer's and broadcaster's describing an electrified crowd slam dunk during games or sports news telecast.
Did you just see that Dunkadelic Throwdown by the big fella, the rim is still shaking on this one. LeBron steals the ball, here we go Oh my goodness!!!! What a Dunkadelic Throwdown by King James.
by Derrick E. Vaughan April 3, 2005
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A challenge to fight where the increasing severity of the challenger's verbal threats are directly proportional to the increasing distance from their opponent. This type of challenge is typical of the passive-aggressive culture in Portland, Oregon, where a real fight is less likely to break out compared to other, harder cities in the United States.
Bouncer: "Sorry , you can't come in tonight, you've had too much to drink."
Drunk (face to face): "C'mon , my friends are in there/I'm not that drunk/it's my birthday/I come here all the time!"
Bouncer: Sorry, you're welcome to come back tomorrow, but not tonight."
Drunk (5ft. away): "This place sucks anyway."
Bouncer: ...
Drunk (10ft. away): "Man, you a bitch!"
Bouncer: "Ok, have a good night, get home safe."
Drunk (15ft. away) "I'll beat your ass, bitch!"
Bouncer: "Just go home dude..."
Drunk (Halfway down the block) "Try me motherfucker! I'll kick your faggot ass!"
Bouncer: "Ok, now you're 86'ed.."
Drunk (One block away, shirtless and flexing) "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!"
Bouncer: "...he's literally now one city block away from me."
Passer-by from out of town: "Wow, that was the most Portland-y attempt to throw down I've ever seen."
Bouncer: "Yup, that's exactly how a Portland Throwdown works. See? Now he's almost two blocks away and yelling louder. If we were in Boston he would have just decked me."
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A Throwdown Line is the opposite of a pickup line. Its a diss to keep an unattractive girl = fat girl away from you.
"Im Gay"
"Girl your borin me im about to throw you back and catch a new one"
"I would fuck you if you had one eye"
"Joe used his throwdown line to reject Kimbo = Fat black girl"
"Listen to N.W.A. Fat Girl"
by February 8, 2008
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When a man pays for prostitution (hoe), throws her on to his car (throw) and goes down. By prostitute, I mean Miley Cyrus, and by man, I mean a 30 year old who goes to her shows, front stage to try and catch a glimpse of underage Disney paradise
Mike: Hey man, I went to a Miley gig and saw something special during the hoedown throwdown! When she "country-fied" it. I blew my load
Greg: Dude, you're like 30, she's like 12! Now give me my pizza and fuck off to your basement.
by Conrad The Amazer November 16, 2009
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Similar to Fight Dancing or Hardcore dancing, but you take you spin kick, take your gun out and start shooting people. Based on the behaviour of the Logan area, in QLD, Australia.
"Did you see on the news? Some hardcore gangsters had an altercation on the street, it started a Logan Throwdown!"
by Ghetto Fresh April 7, 2008
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When u and all yo frands go out and get the hoe and harvest your wheat for the season at a garden party
Man me and my mates are gonna go hoedown throwdown at Sally's garden party wanna join??
by scusemebiatch October 31, 2016
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To Beat the living puke out of a group of slam dancing scene kids in a mosh pit.
Friend: Hey dude, do you see those slam dancing scene kids in that pit?

Me: Yah bro, its time for a Scene Kid Throwdown!!!
by sPkBoi!!! January 24, 2010
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