A certain trooper who is smooth and LOVES YO MAMMAS FLAP-JACKS
by Shakenblake February 20, 2009
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A queer-bait that wears pink slippers and loves to ride 26" spinnaz
OOO, I love it when you stick me with that spinna Switch!
by Eli May 23, 2004
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The most badass of all GDI infantry in the RTS game Command and Conquer 3
OMG, holy shit, those zone troopers just leveled my base and destroyed all my avatar mechs :(
by MistaT123123123123123 May 22, 2007
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(note the caps)
if you have not seen this movie you will not have lived a fullfilled life.
'sue me sue me'
'the snozzberries taste like snozzberries'
'your freaking out... MAN'
by April August 4, 2004
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An excellent futuristic war novel by Robert Heinlein, part philosophical treatise, part sci-fi military action.

Eventually made into an abortion of a movie by that fucking hack Paul Verhoeven, who admitted after making the movie that he tried reading the book but stopped after a few pages because it was depressing.
At least that redhead chick had nice tits.
by samurai cowboy July 10, 2005
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One of the funniest movies made by broken lizard productions.Vermont highway patrol does this far'fetched crazy shit
super troopers lines
guy2:"what if you owned the beach."
guy1:" You dont own the beach man."
guy2:"like if you own the beach do you own like the sand and the water?"
guy3(taking a hit of weed):"no man nobody ownes the water its,its gods water"
guy3:"What if a naked girl breaks her leg on your beach,she can sue mee...SUE ME SUE ME!"
(guy3 eats $100 of weed and $30 worth of shrooms)
(they get pulled over by highway patrol)
Thorny:"license and registration"
guy1:"officer i..."
Thorny:"licesnse and registration please"
(guy1 hands thorny the license and registration)
Thorny:"you know how fast you were going"
Rabbit:"how fast you were going"
guy1:"but officer isnt the speed limit sixty-five?"
Thorny:"Yeah... it is"
guy3(tripping):" candybars"
Thorny:" you boys know why i pulled you over,littering"
(showing them the bag of weed they threw out the window)
by raidermac2010 July 11, 2008
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The most loyal of troopers, they will never let you go present on your own. When they feast on the coochie they share every drop of it.
Gay kid: i had to suck Mr. Engle off for an A!
Kid: Don't worry coochie trooper I'll share my midnight feast after we get that victory royale.
by Engle raped me November 10, 2018
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