Thanks to the movie, is now a derogatory term for any overwieight/ obese girl.
Fat bitch at lunchline: "Oh yess, they have Pizza!"

Me: Control yourself precious, I thought you were on a diet.

Fat bitch: gets upset and leaves the lunch line
by hater 25 March 24, 2010
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adj. describing something cute and/or pathetic; not to be taken seriously.

Usually used with undertones of irony to make fun of someone or something but sometimes used in earnest when describing something small and adorable.

Used much in the same way cute is often directed at men by women.
Look at this precious little doggy!


This little 6 year-old is getting so angry because his sister is beating up on him--precious!
by S. Pilgrim September 1, 2010
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A derogatory way to describe someone who overreacts to something of low value or importance
"He is complaining over $2, he's so precious!"
by Cadj May 20, 2010
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to make fun of a fat friend of yours. to relate their size and weight to that fat chick from the movie "precious".
"yo precious! i had a banana cream pie on the counter. where'd it go?"
by thunderjeff January 7, 2010
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Based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire
"Hey, have you seen Precious?"

"No, but I have seen Precious, based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire
by Not Sapphire February 14, 2010
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A huge lard ass, often has multiple chins and a large FUPA. A Precious can often be seen raiding various wal-marts or McDonald's, leaving nothing in their wake but salads. If one comes across a Precious, stay away, for their lumbering movements have been know to cause earthquakes that can devastate nations (see HAITI). Things that repel Precious include treadmills, vegetables, tight clothing and voluntary movement.
Oh my god, Precious over there is eating all the food. I guess that is the source of her earthquake power.
by Daman009 June 10, 2010
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