Australian slang for a social drinker or party goer who only drinks cheap Cask Wine Goon. Not to be confused with an English Football supporter.
Wazza took a cask of Fruity Lexia to Dazza's bucks night because he is a Gooner.
by Kryten_2X4B_523P April 26, 2015
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A reference to the previously twitch now kick streamer crackyreads, in reference to the egirl brei_elle and a quote she said
It’s that damn Jewish gooner incest magic, it’s the reptilians taking my energy in my dreams
by Breisimp69 May 20, 2023
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The name of someone who bullies those around themselves, yet has delusions of themselves being pleasent, or almost angelic like.

Also, can be described as someone with a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.
Do not be a Gooner to me.....
by Ann Onamys December 27, 2006
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An individual who does "goonish" things or act extremely ignorant. Also used to greet a fellow "goon"

Why you acting all gooner on me?

lol how gooneris Ron Artest?
by DevinWillson May 14, 2009
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A girl or guy that is has slept with so many people they are incapable of remembering what the name of the last person with was.

Name for a girl who has fucked more people then she can count on her fingers and toes.

Also a nick-name for a prostitute in 17th century England.
"Hey Johny what was the name of that chick you banged last night?"
"Um, dude I think it was like Tonya or it was Lana... oh shit dude I can't remember."
"John you are such a fucking gooner!"
"Layla is such a gooner!"
"Any of you chaps up for a round with a gooner tonight?"
by BloodxxofxxthexxPhoenix November 5, 2007
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"Hey Margo, how big of a glass of wine would you like?"

"A gooner should do the trick!"
by Brass Dog Champ June 13, 2021
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