After titty fucking your bitch, you cum on their chin. The skeet skeet beard makes him/her look similar to the "headmaster" of hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore.

Also commonly referred to as:

The Gandalf.
The Santa Clause.
Or my personal favorite: giving someone a "my grandpa."
After I gave my girlfriend a Dumbledore, I felt the need to slap her in the face with my wand.

The bitch gave me Snape. She deserved it.
by [m@] August 27, 2006
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A sex act in which one partner cums prodigiously on the other's face, glues long pubic hair to it (or in a pinch, any hair), then cums on it again to make it white.
I'm so proud of the Dumbledore Julia gave me last night, I left it on for work today.
by Maramas October 9, 2006
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Dumbledore- an ass that is large and wrinkly like Dumbledore's face
Dang, Fat Bastard sure has a dumbledore.
by DocBallerPHD January 16, 2006
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A word that describes the gay affiliation between an older man and a younger boy
"Hey man are you Dumbledoring over there?"
by Eric Kats November 22, 2007
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a female with excessive tangled unmanaged and scary pubic hair

it looks like theres a tarantula nest on her crotch
pubes bush dumbledore tarantula hair madusa nooch
by The Philosophizer May 30, 2011
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