Being in a state to where the person is always on your mind , you can't go a second without thinking about them , when they aren't around you can't function. When ever they're around you get butterflies. They also have you doing things you've never done.
Wow she really has me sprung .
by Amourrshayy November 21, 2016
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errection, penis makes an outward/upward motion when turned on by a woman, sometimes extremely visible
"when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a big big butt in ur face u get sprung" nancy(iceyy) and jay noe wut it means
by supafly January 21, 2004
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to be completely open off a guy or a girl. the love that is close to obsession. its about 2 seconds away from puppy love.
Shante is sprung on her number one love ChillieI !
by YUMMY1 November 29, 2005
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damn man, i'm tellin you this girl got me sprung all over again!
by maisymae February 27, 2006
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The act of a guy getting turned on. Referring to the dick "springing" into action.
Holy shit, dog! I ran into that gurl again at a party and we were freakin the hell outta each other. I was hella SPRUNG!
by Joshiro007 February 17, 2003
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being wound up wrapped tightly around someone's finger...fully manipulated.
my kid has me so sprung i will do anything for him.
by NotSoSure May 19, 2005
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The act of a guy getting turned on. Referring to the dick "springing" into action.

After that Kiss from Liz I was SPRUNG!
by D March 10, 2003
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