The Shark is the nickname for Washington Nationals outfielder Roger Bernadina. He relentlessly patrols the outfield and attacks every fly ball in his direction. After making a spectacular play or hitting a home run, he puts his hand on top of his head, representing the dorsal fin.
Fan 1: Did you see The Shark last night?
Fan 2: 2 for 5 with a game tying home run in the ninth! Yeah, Roger is the man!
Fan 1: Yeah, he will easily win MVP this year.
Fan 2: Most Vicious Predator!
by Sharkadina August 27, 2010
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you for real searched up shark hoping to find a sexual definition, you horny bastard

a sea animal
sharks live underwater

shark isnt a sexual definition you horny bastard
by radius97 February 25, 2023
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Acronym. Derogatory, but not a slur.

Some Hoe Acting Really Krazy
Also spelled S.H.A.R.K.
If they have a big mouth, are always on the move, eat up all the meat, and/or have a taste for blood, you've got a metaphorical Shark on your hands. No excuse
Release it into the wild, harpoon and make a steak, I don't care. I'm not going near more Sharks if I can't eat em. End of discussion.

Forget a thot, they're just a hoe in a place. A Shark is much worse for your health & more dangerous, and is easier hunted with quantum harpoon technology ™

Whether you're Every Shark Killaz, Any Shark Killaz, or No Shark Killaz politics at the docks seems to agree Sharks aren't a good thing. Best stay away.
by CorpseGrinder5000Returns January 9, 2021
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nature's way of saying suck it bitch, stay out of the ocean.
Shark says 'This is my ocean bitch, stay out.'
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often used in pool or billiards to describe a hustler or very talented player.
There are pool sharks in many Paul Newman movies.
by Jonathan February 18, 2004
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Man or woman who is very aggresive with a straight foward style attitude. Typically a man or woman with an Aggressive play style who lives independently, prefers to not to be around other people and straight forward,blunt,outspoken, little to no fears, protective of his or hers close friends and familly and has a colder heart
Damn Jon is a Shark , hes very dominant

Jessica does not follow other people she is a shark who protects her man
by FlNYYK May 6, 2018
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an overweight hillbilly who seeks sexual relations with only the dirtiest of mud sharks
duder, hootch is such a shark shark
by r hedrick September 28, 2003
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