The art of getting extremely angered or furious.
by Anonymous February 20, 2003
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Another way of saying, "I am extremely upset at the situation at hand"
Guy: You have a flat tire.
by rageahol24093 March 2, 2009
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A party that just won't stop. An unstoppable even or occurance in which fun is to be had. Not to be confused with "rave."
(rage or raging or possilby even ragin') "This party is ragin' dude."
by Lauren L and Liz W March 19, 2003
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Somebody that get's pissed or another way of internet gaming where you basically... well piss people off.
myg0t: *pwning a n00b*
n00b: myg0t i know j00 hack, leave now b4 the admin bans u fgt!
myg0t: lulz u raged?
by myg0t pwns j00 May 15, 2007
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to get angry, or act as if you're angry, and RAGE on anything or anyone on site. there are no limits when it comes to doing so. please, rage on.
by kikoeatschilluns August 18, 2011
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to striagt up BEAST ON A NEKKUA! on what ever beat him on games, to beat his ass and just cant stop to fuck up ones ass over and over again to rage to also beast
damn that foo was stright up rageing/rage UP IN THAT HO! FOO? REALLSZZ? yo you think you can rageing/rage againts this nukka? foo shuh!
by CHAFANATOR April 14, 2010
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