Used usualy in online games (or to take the piss on pictures) Pwnage is when someone is attacked with no hope of winning. Usualy someone with a lot of skill attackes a newbie or someone less skilled. Another spin off of pwned but usualy used for situation when overkill is involved. IE and air strike on one person.
In terms of eve online. One person is jumped on by a fleet and is pwned with no hope of surviving. IE pwnage
by Matt_t August 22, 2006
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A version of pwning, but cooler. Probably a combination of pwning and raging. Used to describe urban ninja.
"A raging, pwnaging, art whoring, kickass painter on deviantart" such as enayla (Linda Bergkvist), minus the immaturity.
by Eleine May 9, 2005
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1. The act of being pwned.
2. An expression similar to cool or awesome.
(About a new game)
Dude! Pwnage!

(When someone is being beaten)
Ooh, major pwnage...
by Freya the Dark November 15, 2006
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a word used when a dominating kill is performed.
I created major pwnage at halo 2 lans
by DarkFire April 27, 2005
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Pwnage is the act of pwning someone or purely owning. to pown

For example: Lets drop some straight pwnage on these n00bs.
by Slick tongue steiny October 22, 2008
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Basically means to rule over another person, or to get told/killed(in fps and MMO)/raped/etc. Commonly used now and is a common trend amongst most people to say it.
Pwnage is pronounced "OWN" and usually people spell Pwn as Own. People also pronounce it incorrectly as "Porn" and "Poan".
Present tense: PWN (I pwn all ur asses)
Past tense: PWNED (YOU GOT PWNED !!!111oneoneone)
Adjective: PWNAGE (Fear my PWNAGE!!!)
(may be in lower case)
by 1337_n00b October 17, 2006
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