Someone who is glorified simply for his/her looks. Has a overall immature attitude and rejects people that they find unattractive or unpopular. The majority of people considered popular will go on to live out their life in the fast food industry due to the fact that they have an IQ below sixty and contracted five or more STDs.
Popular Female #1 - Well, I'm off to get drunk and have sex with several people I don't know.

Popular Female #2 - I'll meet up with you later after I go insult people based on their low social status.

by Lipari June 4, 2006
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OKAY! lets clear a few things up first--
I AM NOT STEREYOTYPING! I know what popular people are like, being ridiculed by them FOR MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE!
They strut around like they fucking own the place when they;re far from it, they treat people like me && my friends like shit when we try to avoid them, && they delibrately make us feel down because of their "perfect boddies"!
In class we hear what the popular people did on the weekend && it consists of this-
Omg! I took it to 3rd with that totally hawwt guy i've been liking for, like, a week!


hey did you see those photos I have of ********* of my phone? she's givving head to some guy!

you dont think this is slutty?! I beg to dream && differ, whores, POPULAR PEOPLE ARE FUCKING SLUTS WHO STAB EACH OTHER IN THE BACK!
POPULAR SLUT- omg I like totally love my new bf!!
me- didnt you have a boyfriend last week?
her- um, yeah, he wasnt putting out.
me- what the fuck.
her- well you dont really think that our relationship would be kept emotional now do you?

*this actually happened*
by Morreh Cool September 28, 2006
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Alrite, first off I totally do not mean to completely offend people. Maybe a bit, but not completely.

So here's the deal, popular kids aren't as the majority of people here are describing. We ain't total bitches who spit on others. Yes, we do like to dress nice and spend lots of money on pretty things... but everyone has different fashion styles. This is ours. It ain't our fault that we're pretty and would rather dress the way we do instead of dressing like goths and such.

I seriously don't freaking see the problem in showing off our body and face. I don't see what's so appealing in letting your faces grow... those red gross things on it, that's why we take such good care about ourselves and go to spas and such. If you don't care about having your pores clogged, blackheads appearing on your face, red things everywhere and greasy skin/hair... then whatever. It's your problem and we ain't being total bitches just cause we do care. It ain't like I'm going to school in a bra and screaming "touch me!".

All the pops. are pretty, care about their image and love fashion. Some are snobby and shallow (me, for example). But that's all the bad things about us I can think of. So like, seriously try and get to know us first before you start bitchin. Instead all I'm seeing are people who watch us from distances and thinking messed.
Popular chick 1- babe, there's a dance coming up! let's hit the mall for a few hours, then go to the hair salon and spa!
by shawtie babe September 13, 2005
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judgment based on the complete stupidity and immaturity of a childish mind. a classification of how attractive someone is, how ignorant and arrogant they are, how stupid they are, and how many fake friends they can reel in and glue to their side.
many times seen in movies as a complete exaggeration, but still known in present day.
completely stupid. popularity should really be based on your amount of kindness and likability, rather than how fake and materialistic you can be. but it's not.
jane: "she's SO popular! she's SO pretty! and she has SO many friends ! I wish I were her "

doe: " you're kidding. she's wearing five pounds of makeup on her face, she's wearing a tight shirt, and she stuffs her bra with all the toilet paper she can find. she has minions, not friends. you don't wanna be her. "
by intherealworld July 9, 2010
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The populars are the mean people at school who think they're better than everyone else, but in reality they are just a group of ditzy brats who like hating on people who are better than them. They're the people who love attention and are often reffered to as drama queens. Most likely, they had about 25 gfs/bfs in their first 15 years of living. In the future they'll probably just be sitting on a curb begging for money because their rich parents even gave up on them.
Maureen is the most annoying and over-dramatic popular there is.
by bbgirlll April 6, 2017
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Everyone who thinks that popular people are rich sluts who sleeps around must've said that because they're drowing in jealousy. Honestly, you guys are the real bitches here for stereotyping us after watching a couple lameass shows that displays 'popular' people as heartless individuals. Get out more and don't judge us when all you do is just stare at us from afar.

Yeah the majority of us wear fashionable clothes, so what? We can afford it and it's pretty so we buy it. You don't have to crap all over us because we choose to have a certain style. If you still want to then go ahead, just do it face to face instead of cowering behind a barrier. Because from what I've seen, most of the insults are found online instead of actually said to us.

You think we're bitches? Well I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm also sorry that you guys are so hypocritical. But verbally attempting to bash us for judging the unpopular while you freely judge us isn't very sweet of you either.

Just to clear things up, we aren't stupid because we're popular. Many of us get on the honour roll and do care about our grades. There are a few popular people who get lower than average grades but then again, so do unpopular people.

Many of us are attractive and if you think that it's conceited for us to acknowledge that, then you're a bit messed up in the head. We're pretty and keep up with our appearance. Apparently we're sluts for doing that as well. Frankly I don't see what's wrong with improving or keeping up with something that's boastworthy. It's like if you get into a smart program, you'd study more because you get a sense of pride knowing that you have something that not everyone has.

When guys flirt with us, we flirt back (unless we're taken). If we want something we'd do what we could to achieve it. Just like what you people would. We wouldn't bully people or attack people for no reason. But if someone majorly ticks us the wrong way, it's only natural to fight back.

I don't understand why some of you have a problem as to why we stick to the same group. And that if we don't hang with the less popular we're bitches. Wake up people. You have your own 'groups' and sit at your own table, I suppose that makes you a bitch too then?

But even despite all this, I find it amusing how y'all try to attack us from every angle. If you spot a flaw you'd expose it. It's a shame we ain't ever going down any time soon.
popular people are beautiful, fun, well educated, etc.
by perfectscandal March 9, 2006
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somebody who is well known.
usually called bitchy/nasty/slaggy. but usually actually a nice person.
people often think just because somebodys popular they will end up being a looser the rest of their lives.
given a lot of respect to their face, but behind their backs often slagged off.
geek: "look at that popular person, shes just guna end up workin in mc donalds"
by leah December 6, 2003
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