Is the first step to calling out a gay homosexual to publicly name and shame them.
Hey! You! Yes you. You are a poofter!
No poofter’s allowed here so beat it queer..with your pink shirt and fag sandals.
by de-pube December 1, 2021
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A dirt trail with minimal elevation ridden buy mountain bikers generally containing small undulations and uncomplicated obstacles.

This type of trail seriously impacts one’s progression and is only ridden at 5.30 am in the dark for fitness by supreme riders who have time constraints. The other 99% consider these types of trails fun and exhilarating and a good proving ground for their e-bike or 15k custom build on finance.

Trails that are ridden by poofters.
"Mate did you want to go and hit up that new local track" "fuck riding those poofter trails"
by Pricky-Price June 25, 2020
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A 'trendy' person who thinks wearing their grandad's sweater is fashionable. Poofter-faces will usually have their jeans rolled up as if they're constantly taking a leisurely stroll along a beach. You have never heard of any of their favourite bands.
Benn and Jed are such poofter-faces.
by DanAndLeon June 20, 2011
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An aggressive gay used to attack straight people by their "handler".
Anytime a dude tries to crack on to Ollie, Ollie sets his Attack Poofter on him to gay things up. Ollie then has sex with a female cos he's not gay.
by The_green_fairy June 30, 2014
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what you call someone when they do something extremely spastic
Bloody poofter! why the hell would you do such a thing
by Massive Legend May 27, 2018
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