When you are so sweaty and nasty, that only a dirty pirate would want you.
"After my workout at the gym, I was looking like a sweaty pirate hooker."
by cougfan1978 November 23, 2011
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A nasty female who has fucked more people than a pirate himself has.
Girl 1: Oh my gosh did you hear that fucked another guy?!
Girl 2: Ya she's a Dirty Pirate Hooker.
by not_a_dirty_pirate_hooker June 13, 2006
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another name for a stupid fucking blonde chick who is known for just being her whoreishly self.
Paris Hilton is a dirty pirate hooker thats must die now.
by pirate hooker. July 24, 2006
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A slut, who tends to take anything she is given at any given moment. They tend to be gold diggers, but are not as skilled, and are temporary.

Overall identifiers:
1) Fuck anything that can walk, hop or crawl.
2) Do anything for money and/or a good time.
3) Can fit at least one set of balls in their mouth.
Girl One: Oh she is a dirty pirate hooker!
Girl Two: Dena?! I know, she has done at least every guy in this room, she must be hungry or something.
Girl One: I swear I heard her bragging about how many balls she can fit in her mouth...

Guy and Dirty Pirate Hooker:
Guy: Wow, you seem like a good time.
Dirty Pirate Hooker: I know I do, let's hookup sometime.
Guy: For real?
Dirty Pirate Hooker: Yeah, whats your name again?...

by Scrotch November 10, 2007
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Someone who is very slutty who you might call hoe face or douche bag.They like to hump everything.Are usually guys because it makes it funnier.It just happens to be most of the guys I know like Adam,Alex,Riley,Sam,Cole,Choua,and much more.
He is such a slutty douche bag,so he must be a skanky pirate hooker.
by Taylor also known as tater tot December 13, 2008
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Man, I can't believe pirate hooker took a giant shit in her litter box.
by colonelcantwell September 8, 2009
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the name of a porno and used as describing a girl or boy who is a dirty pirate hooker. The word ooriginated in 6th grade during one of the schools field trips. (see betsy johnson)
dayum kirby is a dirty ass pirate hooker,
wat the hell that dirty pirate hooker gave me aids,
dude i just banged some dirty pirate hooker named kirby
dude drew just banged that dirty pirate hooker named kirby

by jeff sloane February 13, 2008
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